Conflict Resolution Skills That Work!

High Conflict Divorce. Those 3 little words can strike fear in the heart of any client.  Learn to help your clients manage conflict and avoid some of the the legal bills and emotional stress - even if they're divorcing a high-conflict person!

Everyone is talking about high-conflict divorce, but is all that conflict necessary?  Every divorce involves fear and that means some degree of conflict, however, our client's approach to managing that conflict can make the difference between escalation and resolution, helplessness and confidence, emotional reactions and strategic decisions.

Conflict coaching is a set of skills and strategies to support clients’ ability to engage in, manage, or productively resolve conflict.  As a DCC, learn to help clients reduce the cost and emotional impact of divorce and co-parenting.

The benefits of conflict coaching in divorce include:

🔸    More confidence and better decision making

🔸    Lower overall divorce costs

🔸    Improved negotiation and emotional skills

🔸    More credibility with court professionals

🔸    Shorter time to settlement and better outcomes

🔸    More manageable, positive co-parenting

Not all divorce conflict can be avoided, but you can help your client choose not to add fuel to the fire, to de-escalate when they are able, and to present themselves in the best possible light in the event of a trial or custody conflict.

The Divorce Conflict Coach Training Intensive at Divorce Coaches Academy is the first of its kind, specifically designed for the professional, practicing Divorce Coach in their role as an alternative dispute resolution specialist.

Students who successfully complete the training will receive a certificate of completion, 15 CEU's, and the right to use the DCC designation.

Conflict Coaching Works!

One Student's Success Story

Thank you ladies! I love what you’re doing with DCA and the podcast and you’ve made me a “raving fan” of your work.

I survived my own high conflict divorce, personally attended parenting coordination for a year and took high conflict parenting courses, have been a voracious consumer of conflict reduction resources for 5 years and a Brené Brown and Bill Eddy fangirl. I'm CDC certified, have been practicing for over 2 years and I specialize in the juicy combo of high conflict/complex asset/high net worth. It’s work that I absolutely love and the incredible bucket-filling silver lining of my own divorce.

Today I got the most satisfying result to date when my client called to report her transformational win in her questioning. I can say with certainty that your training was the difference maker. I wanted to pass on with gratitude that the success my client and I feel today should also be felt by you both. I have been trying to reach this client for ages, to help her find an inroad to her power, to teach tools to soothe “Amy”, to guide her to having her breakthrough pivot. I felt like I was close but never quite there with her.

Your course not only gave me some new understanding and new tools but it gave me the shot in the arm that I needed to trust myself to push just enough when I was starting to doubt my abilities. This client was referred by the top litigator in our market after 3 years of difficulty and her lawyer felt like she was out of options to support her. I’ve worked with her through 2 years of complicated proceedings and was starting to lose faith too. I feared that an important referral source might lose faith in my work as well.

I’m not sure how much tougher the work can get but am sure that your course, your shared wisdom and your guidance turned this potential confidence-shattering situation into a confidence-boosting one. The work that you two are doing is changing lives and I hope you feel how significant an impact you are making.


Divorce Conflict Coach Training Program

  • Classroom Instruction

    Six 90-minute sessions of teaching and learning. Attend live and online via Zoom or watch on demand. Plus you'll get access to a rich library of resources.

  • Practicum

    Practice your skills and gain confidence to work with clients. Working with a fellow student, you'll coach mock scenarios and get real-time feedback from the instructors.

  • Grow Your Practice

    Successful completion of the intensive allows you exclusive use of the DCC designation. Expand your practice by letting clients know you're a divorce conflict resolution specialist.

Why Train as a Divorce Conflict Coach?

Every divorce involves conflict. As a professional divorce conflict coach, you can offer your client the tools and skills to approach conflict confidently. When we tell someone what to do, we may solve a problem for the moment. When we teach them new skills, we prepare them to solve problems for a lifetime.

By adding Divorce Conflict Coaching to your toolbox, your expand your market and your clients benefit in so many ways. Here are just a few:

  • More conflict confidence

  • Better decision making

  • Lower overall divorce costs

  • Improved negotiation skills

  • Credibility with court professionals

  • Shorter time to settlement

  • More positive co-parenting

  • Skills and tools for a lifetime

Divorce Conflict Coach Program Instructor

ADRDC, CDFA, DCA Co-Founder and Master Educator Debra Doak

Debra Doak is a highly trained divorce professional serving in multiple roles as a Certified ADR Divorce Coach, Certified Divorce Financial Analyst®, Ohio Supreme Court trained Family Court Mediator, Certified Abuse Specialist, Betrayal Trauma Recovery Specialist, Pastoral Counselor and the author of High Conflict Divorce for Women. Debra brings an incredibly well-rounded set of tools and credentials to serve her clients before, during, and after divorce and shares her expertise helping clients experiencing emotional abuse and betrayal trauma design an Exit Strategy to leave toxic marriages without fear.

Train as a DCA Divorce Conflict Coach™ with Divorce Coaches Academy

DCA's Divorce Conflict Coaching intensive provides the tools and training you need to improve your clients' conflict resolution skills and expand your practice.